Ancient Greek Chiton for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Ancient Greek Peplos for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Blue "fur" coat for Barbie, Blythe, Pullips, Volks Dollfie, and other 1/6 scale dolls
Blue and green knitted hat
Mermaid Blythe quilt panel
Camoflauge dragon
Easter Bunny Lover outfit for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Felt owl pin
Irish Lass outfit for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Kimono/juban/obi outfit for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Knitted outfit for American Girl dolls
Little green outfit for 1/12 scale dolls
Pastel colored hat
Pig hat
Pig toilet roll cover
Pink elephant
Pink Jazz Baby outfit for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Pink knitted hat
Pirate for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Pooh kimono for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Pooh Lolita kimono for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Purple Gothic outfit for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Red Prince outfit for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Sailor suit for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Skulls and Roses outift for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Sparkling Blue Dress for Barbie, Blythe, Pullips, Volks Dollfie, and other 1/6 scale dolls
Valentine Lolita outfit for 60 cm/2 foot tall dolls
Wiggles the Pig wall hanging
Yellow knitted hat
Copyright 2018 by Kimberly Keyes. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this website may not be re-posted or re-published anywhere else, either online or in real life. (That includes—but not necessarily limited to—social media sites, other blogs, other websites, and eBay/Etsy sales.)