Angel Pig
Barbie as the Cherry Fairy
Barbie as the Green Fairy
Barbie as the Orange Fairy
Barbie as the Purple Fairy
Barbie as the Purple Fairy
Barbie as the Purple Fairy
Barbie as the Blue Fairy
Barbie as the Blue Fairy
Barbie as the Blue Fairy
Barbie as the Bumblebee Fairy
Barbie as the Green Leaf Fairy
Barbie as the Pink Fairy
Barbie as the Pink Fairy
Jasmine from Aladdin doll as the White Fairy
Barbie as the Zebra Fairy
Barbie as the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
Blondie in the City
Blue Fairy
Blue Lady
Blue Prince
Carousel Pony
Chi From Chobits
Glamorous in Red and Fur
Ken as the Camoflague Fairy
Ken as the Hippie Fairy
Lady in Red With a Fan
Little Red Riding Hood
Makies Doll
My Little Robot Unicorn Pony Attack
Orient Doll Ji Ball Jointed Doll
Pink Fairy
Pink Fairy 2
Pink Fairy 3
Purple Lady
Red Glitter Wood Car
Rudolf the Red Nosed Tangled Reindeer
Standing on the Side of Love With Mickey
Steampunk Snowman
Unitarian Universalist Girl
Winter Party Girl
Zentangled Mickey
Copyright 2018 by Kimberly Keyes. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this website may not be re-posted or re-published anywhere else, either online or in real life. (That includes—but not necessarily limited to—social media sites, other blogs, other websites, and eBay/Etsy sales.)